Malton Homeopathic Clinique



  • Q - What is homeopathic Medicine?

    A - Homeopathic Medicines are made of substances from vegetables, minerals and animal sources they are prepared in a special way called potentization. Homeopathic medicine is also considered to be a natural form of medicine because it works in conjunction with the body, supporting and stimulating its built-in defence mechanisms to fight illness.

  • Q - Is homeopathic Medicine safe?

    A - Homeopathic medicines do not interact with other medications and have no known side effects. Homeopathic Medicines are safe for people of all ages, even for infants and pregnant women.


  • Q - Do homeopathic medicines act quickly?

    A - Yes. When used for acute, occasional illnesses, homeopathic medicines can take effect very quickly, especially if administered as soon as symptoms appear. For chronic conditions such as asthma, migraines, allergies and rheumatism, longer treatments are needed to see sustained relief.


  • Q - Does homeopathic medicines have any side effects?

    A – No, Homeopathic medicines does not have any side effects.

  • Q - How does a Homeopath choose a homeopathic medicine for a person?

    A- Homeopaths are trained in a way that they take totality of symptoms of an individual that is mental, physical and emotional symptoms then they analyse the case and select appropriate medicine which when administered, stimulates body’s own immune system to act in a curative way.

  • Q - How should homeopathic medicines stored?

    A - Homeopathic medicines must be stored in a dry place and away from strong fragrances.

  • Q - Are homeopathic and allopathic medicines compatible?

    A - There are generally no contradictions between allopathic and homeopathic medicines when taken simultaneously. If you are unsure about a specific combination, check with your family doctor.

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